Thermatec as a speaker at the XV National Ecoenergy Festival Conference
Substantively on the relationship between energy and the natural environment.
On the 22nd of November 2023, a conference was held in the auditorium of the Opole University of Technology as part of the 15th Nationwide Ecoenergy Festival. Among the distinguished guests, including many professors, engineers, scientific workers, and representatives of innovative ecologically friendly companies, we had the opportunity to deliver a lecture on the application of the ecological refrigerant R290 in heat pumps. As THERMATEC, this year we introduced the second generation of R290 heat pumps, and during the industry trade fair Warsaw HVAC Expo, we presented the innovative R290 heat pump from the "C Line" series designed to power large facilities. It was this "C Line" series heat pump that we also had the opportunity to present during this year′s Ecoenergy Festival.
During the event, a gala was also held where awards and distinctions were presented - the "Green Phoenix" for scientists, local government officials, and companies. The Foundation for the Development of Ecoenergy "Green Phoenix" was created to popularize knowledge about renewable energy sources and the relationship between energy and the natural and social environment. It focuses on creating scientific research, implementations, and investments in modern technologies in this area. We are especially proud that our contribution and popularization of the use of the R290 refrigerant in devices - heat pumps, was recognized and honored by the Foundation′s board, for which we sincerely thank them.